2020/2021 International Melges 20 Miami Winter Series :: Event 4
Crew Report
Crew Name |
Position |
USSailing # |
World Sailing # |
World Sailing Class. |
Class Approv. |
229 (Melges 20) |
Jeremy Alexis |
181824O |
Group 1 |
Gamecock (Melges 20) |
Peter McClennen |
Ghostrider (Melges 20) |
Evan Aras |
Tactician |
Group 3 |
Jennifer Canestra |
Group 1 |
Charlotte Mack |
In the way |
Group 1 |
Alex Sachs |
Spinnaker trimmer |
Honeybadger (Melges 20) |
Michele Ivaldi |
Tactician |
Group 3 |
Katy Nastro |
Bow |
Harry Roepers |
Group 1 |
Erik Shampain |
Spinnaker trimmer |
Group 3 |
Kuai (Melges 20) |
Alec Anderson |
Foil Trimmer |
Group 3 |
Daniel Thielman |
Rayleen Thielman |
Bowman |
Group 1 |
Midnight Blue (Melges 20) |
Chris Hosking |
Spinnaker trimmer |
781470U |
Group 3 |
Jason Michas |
Keiran Searle |
Tactician |
Group 3 |
Midnight Sun (Melges 20) |
Cameron Appleton |
Tactician |
Group 3 |
Alexis Michas |
356448D |
USAAM101 |
Group 1 |
Brian Porter |
Spinnaker trimmer |
Oleander (Melges 20) |
James Wilson |
PACIFIC YANKEE (Melges 20) |
Drew Freides |
Plenty (Melges 20) |
Andy Horton |
Tactician |
Group 3 |
Alexander Roepers |
Group 1 |
Red Sky Sailing Team (Melges 20) |
Andy Burdick |
Tactician |
Group 3 |
Matt Pistay |
Bow |
Group 3 |
Paul Reilly |
Russian Bogatyrs (Melges 20) |
Konstantin Besputin |
Group 3 |
Igor Rytov |
Anton Sergeev |
Floater |
Rusas27 |
Group 1 |
The 300 (Melges 20) |
Steven Boho |
Yo Momma (Melges 20) |
Nikki Bruno |
Bow |
Group 1 |
Ian Liberty |
Spinnaker trimmer |
Group 3 |
Devin McGranahan |
Lachlain McGranahan |
Tactician |