2023 J/70 Midwinters Championship
Preliminary Cumulative Results

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Bow  Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Skipper/Crew Race
2023 J/70 Midwinters Racing
One Design Division
1. 96   USA 96 Savasana J 70 Brian Keane / Thomas Barrows / Conner Harding / Ronald Weed 21/SCP 4 6 4 21 4 5 2 1 [21] 47.0
2. 16   USA 216 Superior 2 J 70 Bryce Kalow / Ian Coleman / Alec Kalow / Chris Stocke 1 5 18 8 26 7 7 3 6 [26] 55.0
3. 23   GBR 1123 Brutus III J 70 Charlie Thompson / Thomas Mallindine / Chris Grube / Ben Saxton / Elisabeth Whitener 12 21 29 1 14 9 1 7 3 [29] 68.0
4. 26   USA 26 Midlife Crisis J 70 Bruce Golison / Erik Shampain / Steve Hunt / Jeff Reynolds 51/UFD 10 12 5 6 1 12 10 13 [51] 69.0
5. 24   MEX 1152 Black Mamba J 70 Fernando Perez Ontiveros / Gonçalo Ribeiro / Bernardo Freitas / River Paquin 5 2 10 28 1 3 23 34 4 [34] 76.0
6. 03   USA 3 3 Ball JT J 70 Jack Franco / Bill Hardesty / Allan Terhune / Franny Schulte 51/UFD 18 23 7 2 2 3 9 12 [51] 76.0
7. 84   USA 84 Bazinga! J 70 Daniel Goldberg / Tomas Hornos / Brian Kamilar / Rob Scrivenor 2 17 3 12 30 16 16 4 7 [30] 77.0
8. 91   SWE 901 Elvis J 70 Filip Engelbert / Marcus Hoglander / Jimmy Hellberg / Jakob Gustavsson 4 33 9 26 15 5 11 6 5 [33] 81.0
9. 41   BRA 649 JOKER J70 Bruno Bethlem / Henrique Haddad / Mario Trindade / Victor Sabino 7 28 11 3 8 10 15 1 31 [31] 83.0
10. 19   USA 819 Dark Energy J/70 Laura Grondin / Taylor Canfield / Mike Buckley / Scott Ewing 19 7 4 11 5 19 21 20 9 [21] 94.0
11. 17   USA 602 Good to Go J 70 Douglas Rastello / Alex Curtiss / Patrick Wilson / Charlie Smyth 9 1 19 17 25 15 8 5 26 [26] 99.0
12. 40   USA 34 Casting Couch J 70 Cate Muller-Terhune / Jeff Hayden / Ruairidh Scott / Nick Turney 8 16 15 13 16 25 10 11 14 [25] 103.0
13. 12   BRA 1226 Mindset J70 Ralph Rosa / Alfredo Rovere / Guilherme Hamelmann / Julio Falcao 25 8 1 16 19 17 26 13 8 [26] 107.0
14. 05   USA 1513 Very Odd J 70 David Jannetti / Andy Horton / Kris Werner / Travis Odenbach 3 23 25 14 3 24 6 18 51/BFD [51] 116.0
15. 62   USA 1562 Rowdy J 70 Richard Witzel / Max Salminen / Carlos Robles / Thomas Dietrich 16 6 24 51/DNF 13 20 9 27 2 [51] 117.0
16. 35   USA 353 Heartbreaker J 70 Robert Hughes / Manu Weiller / Willem Van Way / Marc Gauthier 10 24 5 2 51/DSQ 13 14 28 23 [51] 119.0
17. 73   GBR 1573 Jelvis J/70 Martin Dent / Jack Wetherell / Henry Wetherell / Ruby Dent 34 27 28 6 4 6 2 30 20 [34] 123.0
18. 42   USA 1524 Superior 1 J 70 Dick Kalow / Alec Anderson / Dave Hughes / Sam Loughborough 14 3 27 19 18 18 13 21 17 [27] 123.0
19. 99   USA 684 Level 5 J 70 Rob Tanner / Orrin Starr / Greiner Hobbs / John Wallace 21 36 14 23 9 11 22 16 11 [36] 127.0
20. 27   GBR 1127 Eat Sleep J Repeat J/70 Paul Ward / Charlie Cumbley / Matt Howard / Elliot Willis 22 12 51/DNF 15 11 12 30 23 10 [51] 135.0
21. 34   USA 340 Yonder J70 Douglas Newhouse / Jeremy Wilmot / Edward Hackney / George Peet 17 11 13 36 24 22 24 14 15 [36] 140.0
22. 29   USA 229 Swish J70 Peter Vessella / Mark Mendelblatt / Karl Anderson / Wilson Stout 27 19 7 9 7 51/RET 20 33 19 [51] 141.0
23. 55   USA 1150 Rimette J 70 John Brim / Luke Patience / Charles Swanson / Madeline Baldridge / Ed Lebens 20 13 20 18 10 27 18 19 41 [41] 145.0
24. 69   USA 169 Empeiria J/70 John Heaton / Zeke Horowitz / Zach Mason / William Felder 51/UFD 29 16 10 29 14 4 37 16 [51] 155.0
25. 57   USA 1157 McFly J 70 Sean O'Brien / Ryan Higgins / Scott Nixon / Kevin Meier 15 9 30 27 12 32 25 8 30 [32] 156.0
27. 63   USA 639 Norboy J 70 Laura Sigmond / Collin Kirby / Leif Sigmond / Martin Kullman 28 25 21 21 28 26 19 12 51/DNC [51] 180.0
28. 18   USA 18 Warcanoe J70 Michael Goldfarb / Christopher Rast / Jonny Goldsberry / Chris Watters 18 15 36 24 17 39/SCP 28 32 25 [39] 195.0
29. 80   USA 380 Relentless J 70 Scott Foxman / Severin Gramm / Malcolm Lamphere / Fred Strammer 35 30 8 25 31 8 44 26 33 [44] 196.0
30. 68   TUR 1118 EKER (One Pro) J 70 AHMET EKER / BURAK ZENGIN / DOGA ARIBAS / ATES CINAR 41 22 33 40 20 30 17 31 21 [41] 214.0
31. 85   USA 85 Dime (Corinthian) J 70 Andrew Loe / Mallory Loe / Spencer Kunath / Chris Roberts 45 14 17 41 23 47 31 24 27 [47] 222.0
32. 54   USA 1154 USA 1154 (Corinthian) J 70 Zachary Segal / Brady Stagg / Blake Cabassa / Ashton Hamerlin 23 32 22 32 44 37 39 22 22 [44] 229.0
33. 45   USA 45 Wild Child (Corinthian) J70 Henry Filter / Alex Stout / Chris Groobey / Tom Murray 6 34 32 30 39 31 43 42 32 [43] 246.0
34. 02   USA 1362 Its All Good (Corinthian) J 70 Jay Golison / Steve Flam / Jack Jorgensen / Trent Turigliatto 30 46 26 20 51/BFD 28 33 35 28 [51] 246.0
35. 11   CHI 580 Memphis J 70 Victor Lobos / Rodrigo Amunategui / Pablo Lorca / Alvaro Varela 33 26 34 51/RET 42 36 32 29 18 [51] 250.0
36. 08   USA 1027 Bretwalda J70 Bob Pethick / Tanner Bryant / Wallace Cross / Paco Lepoutre 24 38 42 33 33 21 45 25 51/DNC [51] 261.0
37. 01   USA 501 Button Fly (Corinthian) J 70 Andrew Fisher / Melissa Fisher / Shawn Burke / Stephen Burke 42 31 31 34 37 34 29 36 36 [42] 268.0
38. 14   USA 1521 Progress J 70 Paul Green / Kristen Berry / Ridgely Mackenzie / Andy Nowak 29 48 39 39 32 39 51/UFD 15 44 [51] 285.0
39. 51   USA 551 USA 551 (One Pro) J 70 John Gochberg / Mike Devlin / Enrique Quintero / Jato Javier 38 42 35 31 40 45 35 40 24 [45] 285.0
40. 10 Doyle Sailmakers  CHI 410 Los Rolling J 70 Pedro Cabezon Marin / Guillermo Arriagada / Mathias Robertson / Felipe Cubillos 44 37 41 29 22 38 42 44 35 [44] 288.0
41. 49   Bra 849 Ocean Pact J70 Alexandre Leal / Geison Mendes / Mario Tinoco / Gabriel Silva 32 35 43 35 27 33 44/SCP 41 51/DNF [51] 290.0
42. 21   FRA 821 Lift Ticket (Corinthian) J70 Frederic & Janet Laffitte / Janet Laffitte / Andy Mack / Kurt Watkins 13 40 46 43 35 46 40 48 34 [48] 297.0
43. 07   USA 207 Reset (One Pro) J 70 Peter Barrett / Chris Barrett / Andy Bixby / Mike Marshall 31 41 38 38 34 41 36 43 38 [43] 297.0
44. 33   USA 343 Truckin' (Corinthian) J 70 Alex Meleney / Mike Watts / Sonya Stevens / Carl Segen 43 43 37 37 36 35 37 45 43 [45] 311.0
45. 46   BRA 616 Mancha Negra J 70 Mario Garcia / Mario Urban / Lucas Souza / Pedro Mascarenhas 40 39 40 42 45 42 38 39 40 [45] 320.0
46. 60   CAN 360 REX (Corinthian) J70 Scott Weakley / Rene Serin / Jeremy Edwards / Federico Donzino 36 44 48 48 47 40 48 49 29 [49] 340.0
47. 58   USA 585 Running Wild (Corinthian) J 70 Richard Werdiger / Peter Rugg / Mike Gemperline / Chase Quinn 39 45 47 44 41 48 46 38 45 [48] 345.0
48. 88   USA 488 Convergence (Mixed+ Division) J 70 Ava Wilson / Giulia Conti / Sarah Stone / Megan Gimple / Annie Longo 51/UFD 50 45 45 43 44 41 46 42 [51] 356.0
49. 04   USA 1104 Bad Brothers and a very bad sister J 70 Gabby Rizika / Fran Bellocchio / Hannah Stadman / jake Rizika 37 47 44 47 46 43 47 51/DNS 51/DNC [51] 362.0
50. 22   USA 220 Phoenix (Corinthian) J 70 Peter Firey / Rob Lancaster / John Meiser / Allison Rowe 46 49 49 46 38 51/BFD 51/UFD 47 39 [51] 365.0

2023 J/70 Midwinters Championship
Sub-Class Scoring - Preliminary Cumulative Results

Bow  Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Skipper/Crew Race
2023 J/70 Midwinters Racing
One Design Division
J/70 - Corinthian
1. 85   USA 85 Dime J 70 Andrew Loe / Mallory Loe / Spencer Kunath / Chris Roberts 45 14 17 41 23 47 31 24 27 [47] 222.0
2. 54   USA 1154 USA 1154 J 70 Zachary Segal / Brady Stagg / Blake Cabassa / Ashton Hamerlin 23 32 22 32 44 37 39 22 22 [44] 229.0
3. 45   USA 45 Wild Child J70 Henry Filter / Alex Stout / Chris Groobey / Tom Murray 6 34 32 30 39 31 43 42 32 [43] 246.0
4. 02   USA 1362 Its All Good J 70 Jay Golison / Steve Flam / Jack Jorgensen / Trent Turigliatto 30 46 26 20 51/BFD 28 33 35 28 [51] 246.0
5. 01   USA 501 Button Fly J 70 Andrew Fisher / Melissa Fisher / Shawn Burke / Stephen Burke 42 31 31 34 37 34 29 36 36 [42] 268.0
6. 21   FRA 821 Lift Ticket J70 Frederic & Janet Laffitte / Janet Laffitte / Andy Mack / Kurt Watkins 13 40 46 43 35 46 40 48 34 [48] 297.0
7. 33   USA 343 Truckin' J 70 Alex Meleney / Mike Watts / Sonya Stevens / Carl Segen 43 43 37 37 36 35 37 45 43 [45] 311.0
8. 60   CAN 360 REX J70 Scott Weakley / Rene Serin / Jeremy Edwards / Federico Donzino 36 44 48 48 47 40 48 49 29 [49] 340.0
9. 58   USA 585 Running Wild J 70 Richard Werdiger / Peter Rugg / Mike Gemperline / Chase Quinn 39 45 47 44 41 48 46 38 45 [48] 345.0
10. 22   USA 220 Phoenix J 70 Peter Firey / Rob Lancaster / John Meiser / Allison Rowe 46 49 49 46 38 51/BFD 51/UFD 47 39 [51] 365.0
J/70 - Mixed+ Division
1. 88   USA 488 Convergence J 70 Ava Wilson / Giulia Conti / Sarah Stone / Megan Gimple / Annie Longo 51/UFD 50 45 45 43 44 41 46 42 [51] 356.0
J/70 - One Pro
1. 68   TUR 1118 EKER J 70 AHMET EKER / BURAK ZENGIN / DOGA ARIBAS / ATES CINAR 41 22 33 40 20 30 17 31 21 [41] 214.0
2. 51   USA 551 USA 551 J 70 John Gochberg / Mike Devlin / Enrique Quintero / Jato Javier 38 42 35 31 40 45 35 40 24 [45] 285.0
3. 07   USA 207 Reset J 70 Peter Barrett / Chris Barrett / Andy Bixby / Mike Marshall 31 41 38 38 34 41 36 43 38 [43] 297.0

Protest Filing Report as of 10/Mar/2025 @ 08:33 AM

No. Race # Protesting   Protested Reason Hearing Status Jury Decision
1. 1 Mindset (BRA 1226) vs Savasana (USA 96) We were sailing in starboard tack and Savasana was on port tack, and we had to bear away to avoid colision. At this moment they tacked and bear away and made contact on our windward side 04:15PM Closed corrected. 96 takes a 20% scoring penalty (10 points) finished 11th, now scored 21. protest withdrawn
2. 4 Dark Energy (USA 819) vs Heartbreaker (USA 353) We entered the zone at the leeward mark clear ahead and bow 35 proceeded to go between us and the mark. We were forced to avoid a collision with the other boat 04:46PM Closed protest 2 dismissed
3. 4 Rowdy (USA 1562) vs Memphis (CHI 580) USA 1562 was on starboard tack, overlapped inside of Brazil at the starboard layline. Chile 580 was on port tack on port layline converging bow to bow with USA 1562. USA 1562 tried to avoid contact but had no other option than colliding with Chile 580, who broke rule 10. 05:15PM Closed 580 retired, protest withdrawn
3. 7 Dark Energy (USA 819) vs Bazinga! (USA 84) Bow 19 tacked around the Windward mark. Clear ahead of bazinga. 19 sailed to the oddest mark. Bazinga overlapped bow 19 to Windward. Bow 19 had luffing rights. Bazinga proceeded to set their spinnaker to Windward of bow 19 who did not set there spinnaker. Bow 19 did not alterTheir course. Bazinga proceeded to sail down on bow 19 and there was contact between spinnaker on Bazinga and spreaders on bow 19. Bow 19 also made alteration down to avoid a collision of hulls 04:32PM Closed protest 7. withdrawn
3. 7 Dime (USA 85) vs Ocean Pact (Bra 849) 85 and 49 approached mark one on port near the lay line. We both tack to round. 49 collided aggressively with the mark. I hailed protest. The crew raised their hand and seemed to acknowledge me. Approximately 10 boat lengths past mark 2 it became apparent 49 was not going to take a penalty. I repeated my protest hail and was met with a prolonged middle finger and shouting in Portuguese from the helm. We continued on our race. 49 took no penalties. 04:32PM Closed protest 8. 849 accepts 20% penalty. protest withdrawn
3. 6 Dark Energy (USA 819) vs Bazinga! (USA 84) Bow 19 approaching windward mark on starboard tack. Bow 84 was approaching on port. Boat 84 tacks on to starboard and immediately bears away (over stood) creating an overlap with bow 19. Bow 19 responded immediately by turning down below our proper course to avoid a collision 05:15PM Closed withdrawn
3. 6 Swish (USA 229) vs Superior 2 (USA 216)
Very Odd (USA 1513)
Bow 16 and 05 were involved in a roundup incident shortly after setting spinnakers while exiting the offset mark to begin the downwind leg. Bow 29 was overlapped to windward and had no opportunity to keep clear since 16 and 05 were locked together (creating a 2 boat train) with 05’s bowsprit locked on 16’s lifeline, therefore blocking any chance for 29 to avoid collision. 29 sustained damage to the bow and spinnaker pole, and was forced to retire. Bow 16 and 05 sailed in an unseamanlike manner, creating a situation where it was inevitable that the 3 boat would come together. 05:40PM Closed protest 6. 229 RET. 1513 did 1T penalty. Both boats took the appropriate penalty. 216 broke no rule.
3. 8 Ocean Pact (Bra 849) vs Dime (USA 85) We tack outside the zone and boat USA 85 bear away close to the mark and we bear away to avoid contact. We tack without overlap, in front of the protested boat. 04:32PM Closed protest 9. See protest 8 decision. protest withdrawn
3. 5 Empeiria ( USA 169) vs Heartbreaker (USA 353) Approaching the top of the first beat 69 was sailing on port with 35 overlapped to windward about 1 boat length away. Approaching a line of starboard boats on the lay line I loudly hailed “room to tack!” 35 did not respond verbally or by tacking. They sailed down towards us to try to duck another boat for about 8 seconds. As we neared a starboard boat (42) we attempted to tack as close to them as possible but 35 was right above us trying to turn up. We hit 35 and 42 while attempting our crash tack. 35 did not properly respond to our hail and they failed to keep clear . 05:15PM Closed protest 5. 353 DSQ

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