2019 Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta
Final Cumulative Results

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Sail Number Yacht Name Yacht Design Owner/Skipper Race
Antigua Classics - Common Course Racing
CSA Division
1. Vintage Schooner
1.   Charm III Staysail schooner Richard West (Captain/Owner) 4/DNC 1 1 1 7.0
2.   954 Mary Rose Nathaniel. G. Herreschoff Gerald Rainer 1 2 2 2 7.0
3.   Eros Staysail Schooner Cameron Riddell 2 3 3 3 11.0
2. Classics Schooner
1.   Severine Alden 54 (2 masted gaff schooner) Gonzalo Botin 1 1 2 1 5.0
2.   3 Columbia W.Starling Burgess/John W. Gilbert & Sons Brian D'Isernia 2 2 1 2 7.0
3.   CAN 123 Avenger Tancook Schooner Gaff Rigged Tom Gallant 3 3 3 5/DNS 14.0
4.   - Ocean Star Murray Peterson and Associates Ocean Education LTD. Sea|mester 4 4 4 5/DNC 17.0
3. Vintage Other Sail Plan
1.   390 Seefalke II H Rasmussen Mr Griffith O. Williams 1 1/RDG 3 2 7.0
2.   464 Mariella Alfred Mylne Carlo Falcone 2 2 1 3 8.0
3.   17 The Blue Peter Alfred Mylne 65 Mathew Barker 3 4 2 1 10.0
4.   77 Peter Von Seestermuehe Henry Gruber Christoph von Reibnitz 4 3 4 4 15.0
5.   449 Eilean Bermudian Ketch Stefano Valente 6/DNF 5 5 5 21.0
4. Classics Other Sail Plan
1. North Sails  USA 58 Arrluuk Herreshoff Bounty Ketch 58 Steve Frary 1 1 1 1 4.0
2. Other  USA 551 Mah Jong Yawl Alex Goldhill 2 2 3 2 9.0
3.   6913 Hilaria S&S 53 Philippe Thurneyssen 3 6/DNS 2 3 14.0
4.   3 Morgaine One off burgess Guido frederik jan Schotman 4 3/SCP 4 4 15.0
5.   Paloma VI J.M.Alfonso allende Jordi Agustí arbosse 5 6/DNS 6/DNS 6/DNC 23.0
5. Spirit of Tradition Class
1.   GBR 3802L Chloe Giselle Sean McMillan 64.5 HGH Limited 1 2 1 1 5.0
2.   USA 75249 Blackfish Taylor 49 Ron Zarrella 2 3 3 2 10.0
3.   80 Volterra Palmer Johnson Frers/Alden Alexis Lepesteur 4 1 2 4 11.0
4.   Willpower Dykstra Naval Architects Don Ward 3 4 4 3 14.0
6. Traditional Class
1.   Genesis Alwyn Enoe Alexis Andrews 2 1 1 1 5.0
2.   2 Sweetheart Zepharin McLaren Charles C Morgan 1 2 2 5/RET 10.0
3.   New Moon Carriacou sloop Charlotte Hooijdonk 3 3 3 2 11.0
4.   Vendia Gaff Ketch Mark Wibberley 5/CZT 5/CZT 5/CZT 5/CZT 20.0
7. Classic GRP Class
1.   none Petrana John Alden 50 Paul Deeth 1 1 1 2 5.0
2.   5.5 50 Iris J Bruce King 32.5 Paul Deeth 2 2 3 1 8.0
3.   H Lazy Leg Hinckley Bermuda Yawl Juerg Zimmermann 4/DNF 4/DNF 2 4/DNF 14.0
8. Tall Ship Class
1.   Chronos Klaus Röder 157 Sailing-Classics CV 2 1 2 2 7.0
2.   Rhea Klaus Röder 157 Sailing-Classics CV 3 4/DNF 1 1 9.0
3.   GBR 1388N Athos A.Hoek Estate Leasing and Finance 1 4/DNC 4/DNS 4/DNC 13.0
9. Dragon Class
1.   ANU 9 Rendezvous Dragon Rocco Falcone 2/SCP 1 1 1 1 2 8.0
2.   ANU 5 Pigeon Dragon Phil Hopton 3/SCP 3 4 3 2 1 16.0
3.   ANU 8 Hawks Bill Dragon Gluca Perego 4/SCP 4 2 2 3 5 20.0
4.   ANU 1 Jolly Dragon Fred Mills 1 5 3 5 5 4 23.0
5.   ANU 2 Windward Dragon Karl James 7/DNF 6 6 4 4 3 30.0
6.   ANU 3 Jabbawock Dragon Eric Tulla 7/DNF 2 5 6 6 6 32.0
10. Historic (Pre 1972 Design)
1.   GBR 486 Sleeper Swan 48 Jonty and Vicky Layfield 1 1 1 1 4.0
2.   GBR Rita Yachting World Diamond Tom Paterson 2 4 3 2 11.0
3.   7847 Montana Swan 48 Markus Bocks 3 3 2 5/DSQ 13.0
4.   ANT 6 Biwi Magic 6 Meter Class Designed in 1907 Geoffrey Pidduck 4 2 4 5/DSQ 15.0
Antigua Classics - Long Course Racing
CSA Division
1. Vintage Schooner
1.   Eros Staysail Schooner Cameron Riddell 1 2/DNF 3.0
2. Classic Schooner
1.   3 Columbia W.Starling Burgess/John W. Gilbert & Sons Brian/ Seth D'Isernia/ Salzmann 1 1 2.0
3. Vintage Other Sail Plan
1.   464 Mariella Alfred Mylne Carlo Falcone 2 1 3.0
2.   17 The Blue Peter Alfred Mylne 65 Mathew Barker 1 2 3.0
3.   449 Eilean Bermudian Ketch Stefano Valente 4/DNF 3 7.0

Circle/CourseRace NumberRace Notes
Antigua Classics - Common Course1Dragon Sail # 5, 8, 9 penalized 15 min for OCS
Antigua Classics - Common Course2Rhea, Lazy Legs, DNF for sailing outside Finish Line (not finished); Morgaine OCS;

Protest Filing Report as of 01/Feb/2025 @ 07:52 AM

No. Race # Protesting   Protested Reason Hearing Status Jury Decision
1. 1 Morgaine ( 3) vs Rhea ( ) Port/starboard incident Closed Protest invalid - protest flag flown two minutes after incident.
2. 1 Jolly (ANU 1) vs Pigeon (ANU 5)
Hawks Bill (ANU 8)
Rendesvous (ANU 9)
Dragons 5, 8 and 9 were protested for being OCS Closed Protest withdrawn after Dragons 5, 8 and 9 were scored OCS by the Race Committee
3. 2 Paloma VI ( ) vs Hilaria ( 6913) Collision at the start resulting in serious damage to Paloma. Closed Both boats retired. Hilaria broke rules 14 and 15. Hilaria also broke ACYR Safety Rule 6. Paloma did not break rule 14.
4. 2 Hilaria ( 6913) vs Paloma VI ( ) Counter protest tp Protest No. 3 Closed See Protest No. 3
5. 2 Race Committee vs Seefalke II ( 390) The Race Committee requested redress on behalf of Seefalke II for her assistance in standing by Hilaria and Paloma. See Protest Nos. 3 and 4. Closed Seefalke II awarded 3 minutes and 30 seconds reduction in elapsed time for race no.2
6. 3 Jolly (ANU 1) vs Pigeon (ANU 5) Barging at the start Closed Protest invalid
7. Rita (GBR ) vs Biwi Magic (ANT 6)
Montana ( 7847)
Boats did not round Nanton Point mark per SI Amendment 8 Closed Biwi Magic and Montana are to be scored DSQ for race no. 4
8. Montana ( 7847) vs Redress - Race Committee Course change was not adequately communicated. Closed Request for redress withdrawn
9. Mah Jong (USA 551) vs Redress - Organizing Authority Rating should have been for 'non-spinnaker' rather than 'with spinnaker' Closed Request for redress withdrawn

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